Mirtoselect® Bilberry Fruit Extract


Bilberry | European blueberry | Whortleberry | Blaeberry


Supports eye health *

Supports cardiovascular health *

Supports metabolic health *


Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), also known as European blueberry, is the small edible berry of low­-growing shrubs native to northern Europe. They are in season from July through September. Because bilberries are very difficult to grow, most are picked from wild plants. Bilberries are similar in appearance to blueberries, but they tend to be smaller, have a darker blue-purple skin, and are deep red-purple inside (blueberries have a more white or translucent flesh). The darker color inside and out results in bilberries being one of the richest sources of anthocyanins, which are the polyphenolic flavonoid pigments responsible for the deep blue color of the berries. Anthocyanins are potent antioxidants with many beneficial biological activities. Bilberries also contain a variety of other phenolic compounds, including flavonols, tannins, ellagitannins, and phenolic acids, for example. Due to this high polyphenolic content, bilberries have been associated with a variety of health benefits, including support of cardiovascular and metabolic health, and most notably, support of eye health and vision [1]. Because bilberries contain even more of the brain-healthy anthocyanins found in blueberries, they would be expected to offer similar (maybe greater) cognitive benefits.*


Mirtoselect® is a standardized bilberry extract containing ≥36% of anthocyanins, and is characterized by a very specific and consistent HPLC profile that represents the “fingerprint” of the extract. 

Mirtoselect® is obtained exclusively from fresh fruit harvested when ripe, between July and September. Mirtoselect® is manufactured using only frozen Vaccinium myrtillus L. berries. This is important because, if processed unfrozen, tissue damage will trigger the deglycosidation of anthocyanins, with detrimental effects on their chemical stability. Using only frozen berries ensures that anthocyanins retain their bioactive properties.

Mirtoselect® is produced by Indena S.p.A., the pioneer and leader in standardized bilberry extracts  since the 1970’s. Mirtoselect® is the most researched bilberry extract: it has been used in 60+ studies and more than 30 controlled or double-blind studies. 

Mirtoselect® is non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free, Kosher, and Halal certified.

Mirtoselect® is a trademark of Indena S.p.A.


Mirtoselect® has been used in clinical studies at amounts ranging from 40 mg to 510 mg/day, with the serving used depending on the health area being studied and whether it was used alone or combined with other ingredients. For support of eye strain and fatigue, bilberry extracts standardized for 36% anthocyanins have usually been used in amounts between 120-160 mg when given alone and from 20-160 mg as part of a combination product—80 mg was the most common amounts in the several human studies when combined with macular carotenoids for vision support. Given the responses in studies, we consider bilberry extracts to follow threshold dosing principles (see Dosing Principles), where much of the benefits occur in the lower-to-middle end of the typical serving range. Our serving was selected to be within the studied range when standardized bilberry extracts are combined with other ingredients for vision support.* 


Supports vision*

Supports visual function* [2–4]

Supports prevention and relief of eye fatigue* [5,6]

Supports eye lubrication* [7,8]

Supports healthy retinal function* [9–16]

Supports ocular blood flow* [17]

Supports ciliary muscle function* [5]

Supports blood-retinal barrier function* [18]

Supports blue light defenses* [14,19]

Supports UV defenses* [20]

Supports corneal cell function* [21]

Supports retinal antioxidant defenses* [14]

Promotes general health*

Supports cardiovascular health* [22–27]

Supports healthy metabolic function* [28–31]

Supports neuroprotective functions* [32–35]

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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