Getting the Most Out of DL-Phenylalanine (DLPA)

Getting the Most Out of DL-Phenylalanine (DLPA)

One of the biggest factors in living a healthy life is what we eat. Having a balanced diet gives us a better chance at including everything we need for our bodies to function properly. One class of nutrients often lacking in our diet is amino acids. Since amino acids build protein, it’s important that we have enough in our diets. We usually find amino acids in food sources such as beef, eggs, fish, legumes, nuts, and whole grains. Phenylalanine, an amino acid deemed essential, is no exception, and its presence in our diet is crucial. However, there are instances when our dietary intake falls short, and we do not incorporate enough food that contains phenylalanine in our diet.  Individuals not getting enough essential amino acids should consider taking DL-phenylalanine as a dietary supplement.* Dietary supplements, often referred to as nutritional supplements, can bridge the gap and ensure that our bodies receive the essential nutrients they require for optimal performance.

What is DL-Phenylalanine?

DL-Phenylalanine (DLPA) is an amino acid supplement, a synthetic phenylalanine. Phenylalanine is a neutral, non-polar amino acid that plays a crucial role in many functions within the body. One of those functions is to produce tyrosine, a major component for synthesizing hormones. Phenylalanine also produces neurotransmitters in the body, including epinephrine, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Phenylalanine is a natural amino acid and found in many protein-rich foods. Phenylalanine is also an essential amino acid, meaning that your body does not produce it naturally. This results in you needing to get phenylalanine into your body through food or the use of supplements.  If you’re eating a chicken thigh, drinking milk, or chowing down on scrambled eggs, you’re getting phenylalanine in your diet. But, in order to get the true benefits of phenylalanine, you want to be sure you are actively striving to incorporate it into your diet. There are a number of types of phenylalanine you could ingest or supplement with – below we will touch on what we believe to be the most beneficial form.

Phenylalanine is found in three different forms. First, there is the natural form, found in food, which is also referred to as L-phenylalanine. There’s also a synthetic form, D-phenylalanine, which is very similar to the natural version, but is manufactured and taken in the form of supplements. Both of these forms come with their own unique benefits, but if you want to get the most out of them, you’ll want to look at the third form: DL-phenylalanine. This form combines both the “L” and “D” forms, creating a supplement with the benefits of both types.* 

DL-Phenylalanine Benefits

Since DLPA brings a lot of benefits to the table, it’s worth getting to know what those benefits are. Here are a few DL-phenylalanine benefits you should pay close attention to.*

Enhancing Your Mood

As noted above, phenylalanine is an important component in the production of neurotransmitters like dopamine and epinephrine. If your body generates more “feel good” hormones, this will have a positive impact on your mood. With DLPA, your body may also produce tyrosine, which can also increase dopamine production. The more dopamine you have impacting your brain, the more likely you are to experience an overall enhanced mood and have greater feelings of happiness and fulfillment. People with a phenylalanine deficiency may be at risk for lower adrenaline and noradrenaline levels. The amount of phenylalanine you have can be very critical. DLPA may also help to produce more adrenaline and noradrenaline, which can help improve your energy level and motivation to work throughout the day. Taking DLPA may lead to an increased sense of self-worth, and a more positive outlook on life. If you have lower phenylalanine levels it may affect your mood.*

Sharpening Your Mind

With an elevated presence of neurotransmitters in your system, you may experience a broader spectrum of advantageous effects as well. Among these advantages, you may find that your mind becomes noticeably sharper, leading to a significant enhancement in your ability to focus and concentrate. Furthermore, the incorporation of DLPA may also help to reduce brain fog. DLPA can bind to glutamate AMPA receptors in the brain, which sharpens the communication between the brain’s synapses, and results in enhanced memory and improved learning.*

Helping With Discomfort

DLPA is also able to block the enkephalinase. This can lead to a relief from certain types of muscle and joint discomfort. DLPA can also play a big role in producing more opioids naturally within your body, which can also help with relief. Therefore, it could be a very beneficial health benefit. Though more research is needed, it’s an exciting possibility and could point to more uses for DLPA in the future. Research suggests that it could be very beneficial for low back discomfort as well.*

Other Benefits

Early research indicates that DLPA holds promise in offering numerous additional benefits that merit in-depth exploration and investigation. Some research shows that DLPA may be able to help with certain skin pigmentations. Once again it can be possibly effective. The more research that is done on the potential benefits of DLPA, the more we’ll learn about this supplement and the impact it can have on your life.

Taking DL-Phenylalanine

As always, consult with a doctor when adding DLPA to your supplement regimen. When looking at the most beneficial nootropics, make sure to include DLPA in your study. It’s an effective supplement with health solutions and benefits you won’t want to miss. We’ve included a meaningful dose of DLPA in our Qualia Mind formulation. This premium nootropic supplement has a synergistic blend of premium ingredients that helps to enhance focus, memory and mental clarity.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products and information on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.