
Daniel M. - 2024-01-30
Great Nad+ Supplement. Great Value for results.
Heather F. - 2024-01-29
works well for me!
Tabitha M. - 2024-01-29
The First serving improved my mood and energy. Zero crash nor any type of withdrawal. I absolutely love Qualia Mind effect on my wellbeing. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on other neutropics & supplements and this product is superior.
JaniceEllen P. - 2024-01-28
Thank you!
Marlene S. - 2024-01-27
I’ve been dealing with insomnia and waking up in middle of the night for two years. I still do but Night gets me back to sleep again easily. I take sups at night and drinking water which is the problem situation I must work on, and getting in bed earlier, breaking this bad habit. Night helps me get back into sleep with no drowsy morning hangover.
Marlene S. - 2024-01-27
This is 2nd month using Senolytic. I thought the greatest body feeling after the first use might just be a fluke, or a placebo effect, but within a day again my two hip replacement areas really feel clear is the only way i can describe it. I’m very pleased to use Synolytic monthly. Although to tell the truth, I’m an older lady and going to jump the gun and likely use it every three weeks. HAZAH!
Karine S. - 2024-01-27
I drive for a living and this has changed my life. Also I feel like my brain is for sure working better. I love it.
Kathryn S. - 2024-01-26
I am looking forward to trying this and have ordered 3 months worth to see how I feel after each 2 consecutive days!
TOBIAS V. - 2024-01-26
Eases my routine and no more groggy morning. I no longer feel like peeling myself out of bed each day...
Maria H. - 2024-01-25
Just received my 4th shipment. I look forward to the end of the month now knowing I'm doing something good for my body that's easy and doesn't require me popping a bunch of supplements every day
Jessica R. - 2024-01-24
I received my first bottle of Qualia Mind three days ago. I haven't had time to gauge the overall effects and will review properly after the first month or so. I take the full 7 capsule dose in the morning with my coffee, prior to food intake. I feel balanced throughout the day, capable and productive. I have not experienced any stomach upset, nor does this make me feel jittery. It does not have a negative impact on my already frustrated sleep cycles. If anything, I slept a little better last...Read more.
Jose P. - 2024-01-24
4.5/5 Really good product but recommend taking with food. Upsets my stomach when most things don't. Start off slow with 3 or 4 then get accustom to it. Going to try the energy shots next!
Christy R. - 2024-01-23
This is an easy product to take, only a two day commitment and you can take it any time. I feel that since taking it this first month I already have a little more energy and mental clarity. Looking forward to seeing how it works going forward!
Sabrina Wilson (. - 2024-01-23
I took Qualia Senolytic 4 and 5 days ago. Today I woke up and decided to do home projects that I've been putting off for ages due to lack of energy to do them with. Today I was literally dancing around while doing them. Too soon to know for sure (I'd like to see the effects of taking it for a few more months), but it's probably the product working it's magic.
Edmarc Brian E. - 2024-01-23
I feel like its working…
Sarah M. - 2024-01-23
Helped me focus without the jitters and I was able to unwind after without experiencing a crash. Very well formulated!!
Melissa R. - 2024-01-22
Just started taking it but so far so good
Michele R. - 2024-01-21
If you are looking for an anti-aging supplement that supports optical cell replacement, I would definitely try this product. It is helped me feel so much better better.
debra T. - 2024-01-21
I’m 69. No one says I look my age.
jill H. - 2024-01-21
I have just finished my first cycle of Qualia Senolytic. I am 60, so I am expecting that I won't see the full benefit for a while and I didn't expect any benefits so quickly. So, I was very surprised to feel some important results immediately! I could feel beneficial changes after day1 of the 2 day cycle. My joints and energy responded immediately! I am very pleased and look forward to seeing how far this will take me. I have been studying longevity for 2 years now and was happy to see supple...Read more.
Jeremiah H. - 2024-01-21
I started off skeptical when starting my subscription. Didn’t know if it’ll actually make a difference but two months in I became sharper, more confident and attentive than I’ve ever been. Recently got a promotion at my job and this product was definitely a factor in the production necessary for my advancement.
DMYTRO S. - 2024-01-21
After taking this - few days later I noticed significant improvement in shoulder - which had had an issue for several months. Will continue to monitor for next several doses
Darnelle S. - 2024-01-21
I used Qualia for several years, and recently stopped taking it for three months. I wanted to know what changes would occurred if I did not take Qualia. After all, it is not a cheap supplement to take. I determined that taking Qualia definitely makes a difference in my daily performance. I returned to taking 4 capsules daily, five days a week, During that time I noticed I stopped groping for words, and my memory and focus returned to the sharpness I was use to experiencing. I am satis...Read more.
Bobbie C. - 2024-01-20
This is great stuff!
Dustin C. - 2024-01-20
The stuff works yes good brain food