Do you find that you’ve been running on fumes lately? Well, you’re not alone. This time of year is always a grind. The weather is getting colder. The daylight is getting shorter. And as fun and joyous as the holidays may be, getting ready for them is a lot of work. After a while all the hustle and bustle can start to take a serious toll, both physically and mentally. Of course, for a lot of people, the solution to these winter doldrums is to just double down on caffeine and just soldier through. But what if there was a better way to give yourself a boost? What if, instead of just slapping your brain awake with a sugary energy drink or a triple nonfat candy cane mochaccino, you could fuel it with the nutrients and minerals it actually needs to function at full capacity? Well, thanks to the innovative team of scientists and researchers at Neurohacker Collective, there is. It’s called Qualia Nootropic Energy. And it’s the world’s first nootropics-based clean energy shot.

(Futurism Readers: Use coupon code “PROD15” for 15% off your purchase.)

Qualia Nootropics - Clean Energy Shot

Image via Neurohacker

Qualia Nootropic Energy is the result of years of research into brain function and neurochemical systems. This research allowed Neurohacker Collective to identify specific physiological processes that can be easily and quickly augmented by various nootropic compounds, vitamins, amino acids, fruit extracts, and herbal extracts. Their scientists then developed a precise blend of 12 such ingredients that are clinically proven to improve cognitive function and overall brain health.

As you might have guessed from the name, the key ingredients in Qualia Nootropic Energy drinks are nootropics. Though some companies market nootropics as “smart drugs,” they’re really just chemical compounds that the brain consumes and uses as fuel for the various processes involved in cognition. When taken in the right amounts, and in the right combinations, nootropics have been shown to enhance neuroplasticity and neurotransmission, which in turn enhances verbal fluency, critical thinking, memory, mood, stamina, alertness, and focus.

Qualia Nootropic Energy drinks contain six different nootropic compounds:

  • Saffron extract to support mood, cognitive function, vision, and sports performance.
  • NooLVL to support neurotransmission speed, executive function, energy, and muscle performance.
  • Alpina galanga to support alertness, focus, and cognitive function.
  • Alpha GPC to support cognitive function and exercise performance.
  • Celastrus paniculatus seed extract to support cognitive performance, mood, and stress response.
  • Caffeine to support cognitive performance, exercise performance, and mood.

A Whole Systems Approach To Dosing

Image via Neurohacker

Unlike a lot of other nootropics supplements and energy drinks, every single ingredient in Qualia Nootropic Energy is extensively researched, and the doses are formulated to promote optimal synergy. In many cases, this means Neurohacker Collective is able to use less of particular ingredients because their efficacy is amplified by each other.

Take caffeine, for example. Unlike most other nootropics supplements and energy drinks, Qualia Nootropic Energy does not use pure caffeine. Instead it uses a coffee berry extract derived from the fruit of the coffee tree. The advantage of coffee berry extract is that, in addition to caffeine, it also contains naturally occurring polyphenols that support healthy brain function. Neurohacker Collective also uses way less caffeine. While some energy drinks contain upwards of 200mg of caffeine per dose, Qualia Nootropic Energy contains only 90mg, which is less than an 8oz cup of home brewed coffee. Neurohacker Collective is able to use less caffeine per serving thanks to synergies between caffeine and other compounds like L-theanine and alpina galanga, which amplify the nootropic effects of caffeine.

This is true of all the nootropics in Qualia Nootropic Energy. Each is formulated to synergize with each other, and with Qualia Nootropic Energy’s precise blend of vitamins, antioxidants, adaptogen extracts, amino acids, and choline donors, so that they promote efficient brain metabolism, provide neuroprotection, sharpen memory and focus, slow cellular aging, and improve neurotransmission.

Try Qualia Nootropic Energy Risk Free

Image via Neurohacker

Qualia Nootropic Energy drinks are designed for daily or occasional use. Each two-ounce berry-flavored shot contains just 4g of sugar and 15 total calories. Shots come in packs of 20. New subscribers get 50 percent off their first shipment, plus 17 percent off all subsequent shipments.

Like all Neurohacker Collective products, Qualia Nootropic Energy comes with a full 100-day money-back guarantee, plus a free cognitive assessment tool to help you track changes in cognitive function. If you don’t notice an improvement in your mental performance while using Qualia Nootropic Energy shots, they’ll give you a full refund.

(Futurism Readers: Use coupon code “PROD15” for 15% off your purchase.)

We all need a pick-me-up from time to time. And let’s face it, this has been one hell of a year. If you’re looking for a way to boost energy, focus, memory, and productivity without the all-too-common side effects of traditional stimulants and energy drinks, click here to give Qualia Nootropic Energy a try.

Futurism fans: To create this content, a non-editorial team worked with an affiliate partner. We may collect a small commission on items purchased through this page. This post does not necessarily reflect the views or the endorsement of the editorial staff.

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