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Who should take Qualia Skin?

We believe the simplest answer is “most adults,” because the skin starts to lose firmness, hydration, and elasticity by about age 30, and all of us are exposed to skin stressors. While women have traditionally spent more time, effort, and money taking care of their skin’s health and appearance compared with men, the skin of all adults is challenged by many of the same types of stress (e.g., pollution, poor nutrition, aging). Qualia Skin was specifically formulated with these and other stresses in mind. During the development of Qualia Skin, adult women and men with a wide range of ages took the product.

More Frequently Asked Questions

Is it okay if I have my child or teenager take Qualia Skin?
How can I ensure I get the most out of Qualia Skin?
Do soy isoflavones impact testosterone in men?
Are there supplements I should avoid while taking Qualia Skin?
Can I take Qualia Skin in addition to Qualia Mind, Qualia Life, or Qualia Focus?
Can I take Qualia Skin in addition to Qualia Life?
Should I take Qualia Skin with food?
Can I take Qualia Skin in addition to other Qualia products?
Is the dose of Qualia Skin dependent on body weight?
Should I stop Qualia Skin before having lab work done by my doctor?