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What is Qualia Vision?

Qualia Vision is a dietary supplement designed to provide premium eye performance support. It was formulated especially for people who want support for the symptoms of eye strain and are concerned about protecting their eyes from blue light and other visual stress produced from digital screens (e.g., computers, tablets, smartphones, televisions). Qualia Vision combines eye-healthy plant pigments, superfruit extracts, colorful spices, antioxidants, taurine, and vitamin B12 to give the eyes the extra support they need to counter the visual stress produced by digital lifestyles.

More Frequently Asked Questions

Can I take Qualia Vision in addition to other Qualia products?

Yes! In fact, we consider it to be a great complement to products like Qualia Mind, Qualia Nootropic Energy Shot, Qualia Life, and Qualia Night. 

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How does Qualia Vision work?
Is it okay if I have my child or teenager take Qualia Vision?
What time of day Is best to take Qualia Vision?
Can I take Qualia Vision while intermittent fasting?
Will Qualia Vision enhance eyesight?
How many calories does Qualia Vision have?
How soon will I notice some relief from digital eye strain after starting Qualia Vision?
Why do you recommend cycling Qualia Vision for 5 days on followed by 2 days off?
Is it okay to drink alcohol with Qualia Vision?